Account Management

Account Management

Discover how you can manage and control every area of your Certifier workspace.

Manage team access - Certifier features

Manage team access

Decide who can access issued certificates by inviting team members or restricting and revoking their permissions. 

Verify issuer status - Certifier features

Verify issuer status

Validate your organization's authenticity and credibility as a certificate issuer for an added layer of trust and reliability.

Export account data - Certifier features

Export account data in one click

Easily export your account data whenever you need it for backup, analysis, or smooth migration. 

Role based management - Certifier features

Role-based management (coming)

Leverage role-based management for simplified permissions allocation and efficient organizational workflow.

Get migration support - Certifier features

Get dedicated migration support

Make sure your account data doesn’t get lost in the online void during migration with dedicated migration support.

Import migrate account data - Certifier features

Import or migrate account data

Import or migrate account data to/from Certifier, ensuring a secure and hassle-free migration process between platforms.

Manage multiple organizations - Certifier features

Manage multiple organizations

Create multiple accounts for multiple organizations. Switch between them seamlessly from one single dashboard.

Manage groups emails - Certifier features

Manage groups & emails

Cluster recipients into groups based on events and easily manage your email branding and sender details.

Manage credentials - Certifier features

Manage credentials

Filter and manage credentials based on status, engagement, and dates. Publish, delete, resend, and export in one click.

Manage recipients - Certifier features

Manage recipients

Manage your credential recipients by easily adding, removing, and grouping them to keep everything organized.

Create and Send Digital Credentials

Take your digital certificate creation process to the next level!
