Verification Features

Verification Features

Learn how you, your recipients, and others can verify the authenticity and validity of their credentials with Certifier.

Verify credentials via api - Certifier features

Verify credentials via API

Easily verify the validity of your issued credentials via Certifier’s Open API with the unique credential link.

Issuer kyc procedure - Certifier features

Issuer KYC procedure

Verify your issuer identity through our KYC procedure, ensuring trust and legitimacy for your certifications.

Monitor verification analytics - Certifier features

Monitor verification analytics

See how many times your issued credentials were verified by looking at the clicks breakdown.

Verify credential issuer - Certifier features

Verify credential issuer

Create trustworthy certificates that viewers can verify with one click to check issuer status and credential validity.

Verify credentials - Certifier features

Verify credentials

Empower your recipients with professional credibility by issuing credentials that can be verified by anyone with a single click.

Centralize all credential data - Certifier features

Centralize all credential data

Keep all your credential data in one place, from issuer and recipient details and issue and expiration dates to credential ID.

Uuid based verification - Certifier features

UUID-based verification

Guarantee the uniqueness and authenticity of your credentials with our foolproof UUID-based verification system.

Create and Send Digital Credentials

Take your digital certificate creation process to the next level!
